Wagasa is made of Japanese paper and bamboo

The process of making washi was first introduced by a Korean monk in 610 AD.Later, during the Heian period (794-1185), techniques for making thin and strong washi were developed, and it was around this time that Japan developed its own unique manufacturing methods. It was at this time that washi made a great leap forward, […]

Have a Japanese umbrella

It’s still a little early for the autumn leaves, but I walked the walking course from Shijo Kawaramachi. Go through Yasaka Shrine and take the stone digging alley and Nene no Michi to Kodaiji Temple. Twice It is a course that makes you feel very Kyoto-like. Kodaiji Temple is scheduled to have an autumn night […]

~ Craftsman’s handiwork ~

We are working on “adhesive making”, which is the manufacturing process of Japanese umbrellas. Natural materials such as tapioca powder, kakishibu,and water are used as the adhesive, and Japanese paper is attached to the bamboo bones. Kakishibu has antiseptic, insect repellent, and adhesive strengthening effects. In addition, the amount of water is changed according to […]

Our store was featured in KYOTO MASTERS

An article featuring an introduction of Tsujikura appeared in KYOTO MASTERS, which introduces Kyoto City. Please take a look at it. English KYOTOMASTERS(ENGLISH) Japanese KYOTOMASTERS 한국어 KYOTOMASTERS(한국어) 简体中文 KYOTOMASTERS(简体中文) 繁體中文 KYOTOMASTERS(繁體中文)

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